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How We Met

I live in Texas and she lives in California.

It all started on June 15, 1999. I received an email regarding my web site from a lady named La Tanya Blake Allen. I thought nothing of it at the time. I just emailed her back thanking her for her comments, as any web master should. In the email, I mentioned that we might be related because her last name is Allen and my mother's maiden name is Allen. I also called her Tanya thinking it was okay.

A couple of days later, she emailed me back. She told me that only her family calls her Tanya and that I would have to become her little sister if I wanted to call her that. I emailed her back and told her about some of the other web sites I have designed. It was pretty much your normal average email chitchat. After a few emails between us, we were acquainted enough to email each other once every three months. It didn't stop there.

On June 22, I emailed La Tanya and told her about a church service that I had gone to. Evg. Dorinda Clark-Cole of the Clark Sisters was in town to preach. Evg. Cole is my mentor and I was excited about her being in town and what had happened at the service. A couple of days later, La Tanya emailed me back and told me that Evg. Cole had been at their State Youth Convocation.

My brother collects programs and souvenir booklets from churches and conventions, so I thought of him and asked her to send me a copy of the souvenir booklet if she still had one. With that request, I gave her my work address.

A couple of days later, to my surprise, I received a cute little envelope in the mail from La Tanya. It was a picture of her and her husband. I was so surprise that it caught me off guard. I smiled for the rest of the day.

She called me one night. I wasn't at home when she called. I was scrolling through the Caller ID to see who had called. I came across a name that I did not recognize. I looked at the number trying to see if I recognized it, but at the moment, I didn't.

I went on about what I was doing, but I couldn't get the telephone number out of my head. I kept thinking to myself, "I have seen that number before." After a few moments, I realized whose number it was. I looked at a piece of paper that I had written her number on and sure enough, it was LaTanya's number.

I thought about calling her. I really don't have much of a telephone ministry. I thought about it some more. I picked up the telephone and dialed LaTanya's number. To be honest, I hate talking on the telephone, especially to people that I don't really know. I was expecting to just sit there and hold the phone for a few minutes and then hang up, but that's not what happened. When we started talking, we just clicked. Here I am, sitting on the telephone actually talking to someone that I didn't even now. We talked for over 20 minutes. After that, we were SISTERS.

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All poetry and writings by:
deartra d. Boone

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